A Trustee's Village of Moravia Community Update:

Infrastructure Enhancements and Community Development


Dear Residents,

I am pleased to share recent developments and ongoing initiatives aimed at improving our village’s infrastructure and enhancing the quality of life in Moravia.


Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade

 We are finalizing plans to upgrade our wastewater treatment plant, which discharges treated effluent into the Owasco Inlet and Lake. The project includes replacing the facility’s outfall structure, adding a new grit removal system, installing aerobic sludge digesters, and expanding the existing aeration process.

Originally estimated at $10 million, revised projections increased the cost to $25 million. Through diligent negotiations with the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS), we have secured additional funding to cover these expenses. Final contract signings are anticipated soon, with construction set to commence thereafter.

This upgrade is essential for maintaining public health, protecting our environment, and supporting future growth in Moravia.


Water System upgrades and Meter Modernization with RCAP

In a separate initiative, we are entering into talks with the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) (a network of organizations that supports rural communities across the United States. It provides technical assistance, training, and resources to address infrastructure, economic development, and other critical needs.) to explore our current water system and the replacement of our current water meters with advanced metering technology. This modernization aims to enhance accuracy in water usage readings and streamline the meter-reading process, ultimately saving time and resources. Discussions with RCAP are in the early stages, and we will keep the community informed as plans develop.


My Community Engagement and Training

I have actively participated in all village meetings and attended the New York Conference of Mayors (NYCOM) training in Saratoga Springs this past September. These engagements have been instrumental in staying informed about best practices and resources available for our community.


Police Department Enhancements

Our village is attempting to hire a full-time police officer (this appointment is still awaiting final approval by civil service) and secured grants for new computers for police vehicles and updated fingerprinting equipment. These improvements are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our law enforcement services. 


Code Enforcement and Property Development

We have hired a part-time code enforcement officer to aid and  address persistent code enforcement cases

Additionally, we are negotiating with county and state officials to acquire the property known as Granny’s, located at 143 Main St., which has been eligible for tax foreclosure for years.  Our goal is to transform this site into a public plaza for community events, contributing to the revitalization of our downtown area. We are in the process of finalizing a Restore New York grant application to fund the property’s improvement. We are also anticipating funding from NYForward to begin work on downtown and Ethel Fuller Park improvements.


 Contractual Agreements

We have signed a new two-year contract with Four Town, ensuring continued collaboration and services that benefit our village.

We have entered into a subscription to use iworQs  Software. Implementing iWorQ’s solutions can lead to increased efficiency, improved communication, and enhanced service delivery within the village, ultimately contributing to better community development and public works management. After setup we will begin using the software in June.


These initiatives reflect our commitment to the growth and well-being of Moravia. I will continue to keep you updated on our progress and encourage your participation in these endeavors.



Paul J. Nelson 

Village Trustee


Visits: 237